Virgula Reversivel Consulting

Our Services

90% of our new customers come from customer referrals. We create and implement bespoke strategies to help you with investing, residency and citizenship in Portugal, reducing tax bills, reallocate your company, or any legal assistance.


After five years of legal residency, you may apply for permanent residency. You can also apply to become a Portuguese National through naturalization. However, to be naturalized in Portugal you’ll have to pass a Portuguese language test.

Since 2014, we have provided advice and support in real estate, corporate, consulting and legal services.  Experienced real estate agents, lawyers and legal and financial advisers will provide you with qualified assistance in all matters related to immigration into Portugal, buying property, investing and starting a business in Portugal. We work professionally, confidentially, with transparency, to quickly achieve your goals.

Digital Nomad

1. Temporary Stay Digital Nomad Visa

The temporary stay visa is a great fit if you want to try out Portugal for a short time (but longer than the 90-day Schengen tourist allowance), without committing to becoming a long-term resident.

2. Residence Digital Nomad Visa

This option is for remote workers who prefer a longer stay in Portugal, with the goal of getting residence permit.

The Digital Nomad is a visa for remote workers as well as freelancers with a permanent contract. This is for non-EU citizens with a remote job earning a minimum of Eur 3040 monthly (2023). After applying you will get your answer in 60 days.

Non Habitual Resident

Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) is a special tax regime that all new tax residents of Portugal can take advantage of for a period of 10 years. There are only two conditions – to become a tax resident of Portugal, and before that for 5 years not to be a tax resident of Portugal.

An application for NHR status must be submitted no later than the deadline established by law – until March 31 of the year following the year of obtaining tax resident status (part 10 of article 16 of the CIRS). After that, the NHR status begins to operate from the moment the tax residency arises.

But the concepts of “have NHR status” and “be able to apply NHR status” are different.

The presence of this status does not yet entitle you to the automatic application of tax benefits. To receive them, you must meet certain criteria established by the CIRS tax code.


One of our main specialties is working with investors. We have a good experience in this area, and we provide a full-service range for all kinds of investors. Starting from Real Estate selection and search for investment. Properties for refurbishing and resale or rent. Real estate visits, accompanying the client in all the visits, if the client is unable to make the visit, we provide a photo and video footage of the property and we gather all useful information available. We assist the client through the property registry process.

Real estate selection for investment to support the opening and development of your business in Portugal.

Refurbishment resale: we set a preferential buyer target to optimize the project and the resale price, providing all the necessary assistance in the resale process. Renting management: if you wish to rent your property, we provide promotion and advertising, rent and maintenance cost management, and guests check in/out.

Real Estate

Corporate Services

Company Relocation

Tax Consulting

Our lawyers and legal financial advisers will provide you with professional and qualified help in any fiscal process. We will help you to choose the best tax options and the efficient structuring of business and operations.

We offer comprehensive services which will help with a better performance of your company and your projects.

We help our clients find solution to achieve their goals and maximize results more effective and quick way

Legal Consulting

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